Feb 5, 2013

"Pochamani" Chapter 4

RECRUITMENT:  We need proofreaders/QCers. I you're interested, go here.
And suddenly this seemingly innocuous and sweet story goes someplace totally unexpected... *_* Whut? Is Tsumugi seriously saying that?! We knew what was on Tagami's mind... but, dude, really? Anyhow, I tried to be as delicate as possible with the translation in hopes of not making it look as though things took a sudden 90-degree turn.  Still, it's refreshing to see a female character not shy away from carnal feelings. And thank goodness for Mami and Seiji. Two have been good check valves so far.  Though, I still have suspicions about Seiji's intentions.

On to the release!
Links to "Pochamani" chapter 4: (Zip) (PDF) Please DO NOT upload these files to any of the manga aggregator websites.

Next up is the rest of "Fushigi no Maria-kun." We will be releasing the last 4 chapters sequentially every 3 - 5 days.